On 08/04/2010 09:57 AM, Dave Semeraro wrote:
> I am building projects on an AIX system and I want the contents of the 
> link.txt file to not include the -blibpath information at the end. I have 
> tried all combinations of the CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH and other rpath related 
> commands and can not get rid of it. I have read the rpath info on the wiki. 
> Is there a setting for cmake that will allow me to do this or do I have to 
> edit the link.txt files by hand. I would rather not do that as there are lots 
> of them. 

This should do it:


See the comment in "Modules/Platform/AIX.cmake" in the CMake
installation.  Also see the "libpath" comments in the source
tree at "Source/cmComputeLinkInformation.cxx".

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