On 8/5/10 6:22 PM, Eric Noulard wrote:
> 2010/8/6 Chris Wolf <cw10...@gmail.com>:
>> Unfortunately, at first, I din't see how your example is different from
>> the parts of my CMakeList.txt I sent in my last post.
>> Then I noticed that your "install(TARGETS..." command had a relative
>> path for "DESTINATION", whereas mine had an absolute path.  When
>> I changed to a relative path, it worked...
> You should really avoid using absolute path destination for installation.
> If you cannot avoid it then you should tell CPack to use DESTDIR
> however this comes with some trouble too,
> see:http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=7000

Yes, but since this is my first day with CMake, I thought I was 
keeping things simple by using an absolute path, to avoid uncertainty   
as to where things were being installed.  Naturally, and as you 
suggest, absolute paths are inflexible for a finished product.

Some other observations:

The CPack-generated tar archive saves the artifact (a shared library,
in my case) prefixed by the relative directory specified in 
install(TARGETS...), which, in turn, is again prefixed by a directory
named by the projectname + "-0.1.1" + platformname.

e.g for :  install(TARGETS usb LIBRARY DESTINATION lib)

(where project name is "libusb")

The CPack-generated TGZ archive will contain:

...this, regardless of the setting of CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY!

(I would have expected set(CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY 0)
 to result in the archive to contain: ./lib/libusb.dylib)

Another observation regarding the CPack-generated *.pkg 
(wrapped in a *.dmg) :

The path is prefixed by "./usr", somehow:

(assuming the *.dmg is already mounted)
$ cd ./libusb-0.1.1-Darwin.pkg/Contents
$ lsbom -s Archive.bom

So where does the "./usr/" prefix come from?


Chris Wolf


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