On 10/02/2010 09:07 AM, Laszlo Papp wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote a helloworld class, source and header file for instance which
> is basically moc related class with Q_OBJECT macro. I do not know why
> I must use qt4_wrap_cpp(helloworld.h) beside
> qt4_automoc(helloworld.cpp).

There's no need to use both.

> I always thought that qt4_automoc can recognize it. I would like to
> avoid the moc file include at the end of my source line. I would like
> to link that generated moc at linkage time, mostly.

With QT4_AUTOMOC(), you must include the generated moc files in your
sources, but with QT4_WRAP_CPP(), you can do, e.g., the following:

SET(HEADERS helloworld.h)
SET(SOURCES main.cpp helloworld.cpp)

So, the generated moc files are compiled and linked along with the
usual source files, and it's not necessary to include them anywhere.


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