On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Fred Fred <stan1...@hotmail.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I suppose this question has already been asked here but I did not find any
> trace of it, including in the wiki.
> My students want to install PV at home and they need to build it from source
> in order to extend it.
> They do have a version installed at the university and, since configuring
> and choosing the right options is not that easy, I wonder if there is a way
> to give them a configuration file so as for them to have the options
> selection list prefilled?

The big problem with that is the install must be in the same folder
and the dependencies must be the same. It may be easier to create a
script to start cmake-gui with a command line containing the options
you will have as default.

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