
I need a custom command in my build process.
The tool that I am using has a small problem, I have to insert a line of code in
the output file manually:
#include <gtk/gtk.h>

I tried this with echo and output redirection:
echo "#include <gtk/gtk.h>" > images.c

The tool, gdk-pixbuf-csource, is not able to generate a file, therefor its output has to be redirected to the file too:
gdk-pixbuf-csource --raw pix1 ./images/pix1.png >> images.c

I can get it work one linux and win32 system, but with different syntax:

This works on a win32 System:

                    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "\#include <gtk/gtk.h>" > 
                    COMMAND gdk-pixbuf-csource --raw pix1 ./images/pix1.png >> 
                    DEPENDS ./images/pix1.png )

This works on a linux System:

                    COMMAND echo "\"""#include""<gtk/gtk.h>" "\"" > images.c
                    COMMAND gdk-pixbuf-csource --raw pix1 ./images/pix1.png >> 
                    DEPENDS ./images/pix1.png )

I tried many variations of above examples, but I can't get running on both systems with the same syntax, any idea what might be right?

Perhaps there is another way then "echo" to write something in a file, I tried FILE(WRITE) but I failed with this.

I could make a file with the include line already inserted and than try to copy it, I saw some commands for that, is this the better Way? Actually I don't prefer this, I don't want to have a strange single-line source file in the project.

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