
I am learning cmake.  I am  now  having a go at learning   to   compile a qt4 
project wuth cmake.  I am  starting with  qt-4.6.2  and  I want to play with 
compiling a small project  into a  library.   

>From what I can discern most things  seem straightforward but some   files 
seemd to need  transforming  by the  so called MOC:-
Lets say I have a  project that uses qmake  with the following files 

 to compile into   some library  libTESTcpp.a.  After running qmake   and make 
the build-log reveals:-
compiled file1.cpp
cpmpiled file2.cpp
compiled moc/moc_file2.cpp

archived *.o  ino libTESTcpp.a.

SO when porting the setup to cmake:-
a) Can  the  transformation for file2.cpp  to moc/moc_file2.cpp be  manually 
done  as per:- 
configure_file(../src/file2.cpp ../src/moc/moc_file2.cpp @COPYONLY)  ?  OR

b) Is it done otherwise and if so how so?

The cmake qt4 examples I managed to find on the internet  eg
tend to be  for executable files the most useful one (linked above)  mentioned  
moc-headers, ui-files  qrc  files  none of which are present in this project.

Advice would be appreciated.

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