2011/2/11 Moritz Moeller <realr...@virtualritz.com>:
> On 02/11/2011 10:57 AM, Eric Noulard wrote:
>> Which kind of CPack package are you building?
>> DEB, RPM, TGZ, etc...
> I am building a tbz2.
> But this should happen long before the package is compressed, innit.

strip is called by CPack when CPack is installing (in a local
CPack-specific install tree)
the package before building the package.
This process is normally shared by all generators.

So you may perfectly have shared lib in your build tree which are not stripped
and get them stripped in the package.

>> Would you be able to craft a simple project reproducing the problem?
> Not sure. This is big project, 2 dozen sub-folders with their own
> CMakeLists, 50k lines of code.
> I can't really justify devoting any time to this, now that I found a
> workaround. :P
> I may be able carve out some time next week to make a simple test case.

I understand.
That's just there is a better chance of fix if we get a test case.

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