Zitat von Vladislav Vaintroub <vvaintr...@googlemail.com>:
  For the Windows platform  I am generating the .DEF files with all
symbols to be exported.  For this  I need to get the list of all object
files (.obj)
participating into a library.

Are you trying to export all symbols from a shared library, something that
emulates Unix linkers behavior  (Microsoft  linker has no option for it=?

If it is so, then you can create a static library first. Then  add custom
command that e.g runs dumpbin  with you static library to extract symbols
and produces .DEF (for example using a script like this one
le.js?rev=25 ). Finally, to produce DLL,  use a  dummy source file , and
your generated .DEF and link the DLL to the static library, like

ADD_LIBRARY(mydll SHARED dummy.c generated.def)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mydll staticlib)

It's better to have a well-defined API, so you should know what symbols to export... Additionally, since gcc can also be selective about the symbols to export, maybe adding the proper export flags in the code would also be a solution.


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