2011/4/13 Michael Wild <them...@gmail.com>:
> On 04/13/2011 09:45 AM, J.S. van Bethlehem wrote:
>> Dear CMake users,
>> This week I started to investigate possibilities to move my build-system
>> over to CMake after hearing a lot of good stories about it. To be
>> honest, so far I'm still not quite convinced. The learning (I find at
>> least) is rather steep and the documentation rather sparse (afaics) Then
>> I noticed this mailing list, which would obviously be a got source to
>> look for help, if it were searchable - so that's my question: is there
>> some mirror of the mail-archive where I can search through passed mails
>> to the list?
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Jakob van Bethlehem
> Hi Jakob
> Welcome to CMake!
> There's a Wiki with a FAQ, also covering your question:
> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Where_can_I_find_searchable_CMake_Mailing_Archives.3F
> And then there's the book:
> http://www.kitware.com/products/books/CMakeBook.html
> And always, always, remember the mantra: "man cmake"

seconded by the various: cmake --help-XXXXX

XXXXX = command, module, policy, property, variable,
XXXXX-list works as well.

If you are Unix/Linux+bash user the cmake-completion script may help you too:

May be you can tell us what are your targeted platform(s) and main
development host
such that we can give you better insight on why CMake may (or may not)
fullfil your needs.

Which build system are you using now? Autotools, SCons, custom
makefiles, some IDE project files?
Are you cross-compiling or not?
Have you some packaging needs where CPack can help?
Do you use some continuous testing technics where CTest can help too?

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