This is the first I've ever heard of it...

Cool bug!
  (that was just a wee bit of sarcasm accompanied by a wry smile...)

What version of ctest?

Is this a project that is publicly available, so that I can try to reproduce
it here and help these "innocent" coders...?


On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Kelly Thompson <> wrote:

> Fellow CMake users:
> I'm having a problem with one of my projects when I run 'ctest -j<N>'.  The
> problem is that after 70-90 tests, ctest decides to submit all of the
> remaining tests at once (~200 tests worth).  For example (actual test names
> replaced to protect the innocent :-)
> % ctest -j16
> Test project /var/tmp/foo
>        Start 192: testA_2
>        Start 191: testB_4
>        Start 190: testC_3
>        Start 189: testD_2
>        Start 188: testE_4
>  1/279 Test #189: testD_2 .................................   Passed
> 1.81 sec
>        Start 187: testF_3
>  2/279 Test #192: testA_2 .................................   Passed
> 2.98 sec
>  3/279 Test #191: testB_4 .................................   Passed
> 2.81 sec
>        Start 186: testG_2
>        Start 185: testH_4
>  4/279 Test #188: testE_4 .................................   Passed
> 2.81 sec
>  5/279 Test #190: testC_3 .................................   Passed
> 2.92 sec
>        Start 184: testI_3
>        Start 183: testJ_2
>  6/279 Test #187: testF_3 .................................   Passed
> 2.02 sec
>        Start 182: testK_4
>  7/279 Test #186: testG_2 .................................   Passed
> 2.44 sec
> ...
>  82/279 Test #249: testZA_2 ................................   Passed
> 8.46 sec
>  83/279 Test #245: testZB_2 ................................   Passed
> 3.12 sec
>        Start 278: testZC_4
>  84/279 Test #278: testZC_4 ................................   Passed
> 4.27 sec
>        Start 266: testZD_4
>        Start 263: testZE_4
>        Start 275: testZF_4
>        Start 270: testZG_4
>        Start 269: testZH_4
> # ...        about 190 tests started all at the same time.
>        Start  89: testZZA_1
>        Start  88: testZZB_1
> ^C
> These tests are running under mpirun (trailing number indicates number of
> cores needed for the test) and so the total load on my machine jumps to
> about 400!
> My tests are registered using commands similar to this:
>            add_test(
>               NAME    testA_4
>                       ${MPIEXEC_POSTFLAGS}
>                       $<TARGET_FILE:Ut_testA_4_exe>
>               )
>            set_tests_properties( testA_4
>               PROPERTIES PROCESSORS "4" )
> Has anyone seen this 'many threads spawning' behavior for ctest (I couldn't
> find anything in the bug tracker).  Is there a known resolution?
> Thank you,
> -kt
> -----
> Kelly (KT) Thompson
> 505.665.8090
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> CCS-2, MS D409, TA-3/B-422/R-101
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