2011/4/27 Eric Noulard <eric.noul...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/4/27 Michael Jackson <mike.jack...@bluequartz.net>:
>> I did a Touch COPYING.txt file to simply create the file then CMake ran all 
>> the way through.
> Ok fine, sorry about that.
>> I ran "make -j16; make package" then mounted the .dmg file and ran the 
>> installer. I selected an external disk (so not to mess up my current boot 
>> disk) and the installer failed. I took a look in the Console.app and clicked 
>> on the /private/var/log/install.log file and scrolled to the bottom.
> Ok I missed the "/private/var/log/install.log" part.
> I didn't find any reference to whatever "bom" in the PackageMaker
> cpack generator source code,
> I'll try to investigate further tomorrow.

By the way,
Thank you very much to have taken time to checkout/compile/install and
report with more detailed infos.

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