2011/4/27 Daniel Nelson <tor...@connect2.com>:
> I am using CPACK_ARCHIVE_COMPONENT_INSTALL to create separate tar files
> for each component, but when I enable it I no longer have a top level
> directory in the tar.
> For example, if archive component install is off then the tar files
> contains files with paths like foobar-1.2.3-Linux-x86_64/bin/foobar, but
> with component install on the paths are just bin/foobar.  I tried
> turning CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY on but it doesn't seem to help.
> Is this behavior on purpose and if so is it possible to change?

This was not intentional, this is not really a bug because the
component splitting
wasn't available before but you can file a bug and we'll discuss what to do.

Which version of CMake are you using?

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