I would strongly encourage you to allow the download to occur at build time
using ExternalProject_Add. There's no need to make the configure step of
CMake wait for a download.

There is no way to execute the custom command steps of an ExternalProject at
cmake configure time...

If you really want to do it, though, just use "execute_process" and give it
the command that you want to run to clone or pull from the git repo.

"execute_process" calls, when used in a CMakeLists.txt file, run while CMake
is configuring the build tree.


On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Jan Wurster <jan.wurs...@icido.de> wrote:

>  Dear list,
>  as I'm encountering a case where I'd like to trigger the download of a
> file (3rd party) structure from a git repository I've been looking into
> ExternalProject_add and its benefits. However the key element would be
> to perform the download step immediately, i.e. at cmake first run time
> in the configure step of the wrapping project.
>  Is it possible to trigger individual steps to be done 'now' instead of
> during build time or should I look at implementing a custom script for
> this case?
>  Thanks in advance, cheers,
> Jan
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