On 6/10/2011 10:50 AM, Alan Garny wrote:

I have a CMake project with several sub-projects (plugins for my
application), one of which is called “Help”. Now, everything works fine
in that it compiles and builds as expected. However, I do get a couple
of warnings:

makefile:1227: warning: overriding commands for target `Help'

makefile:257: warning: ignoring old commands for target `Help'

After checking the generated makefile, the issue is (obviously) that
there are two targets called “Help”. One for my plugin and another so
that one can call “make help”.

Now, is there a way to avoid this conflict, keeping in mind that I want
my plugin to keep being called Help…? I was hoping for some kind of a
CMake setting that would pre/ap-pend some text to a target name and thus
avoid the conflict, but I couldn’t find anything like that…?

I would change the name of your target to help_something, then use OUTPUT_NAME to change it back to help.

set_target_properties(MyHelp  PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME Help)

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