2011/6/26 David Cole <david.c...@kitware.com>

> In your top level CMakeLists.txt:
> add_subdirectory(B)
> add_subdirectory(A)
> add_subdirectory(C)
> A & C must come after B since they both depend on B.
> Does that help?
Thanks for your answer. It don't seem so, but let me explain you the full

in the root directory I have

add_subdirectory( tools )

in the tools directory i have


I suppose I already thought that there was some kind of order in dependency
declaration, so it looks like the same you tell me, but to be complete:

In directory A I have the CMakeLists.txt file to define the executable A, no
In directory B I have the CMakeLists.txt file to define the library B, with


So it seems that your suggestion don't work but the difference remains in
the tree structure so I'm not sure what is impacted.
Maybe I did something wrong somewhere else.

The full repostory is up to date now there:
In tools directory, project A is aosdesigner, project B is aoslcpp, project
C is the test project under aoslcpp.

I feel really dumb, I'm sure it's obvious but can't find why it don't work
with aosdesigner project that now requires aoslcpp....

Klaim - Joël Lamotte
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