On 9/7/2011 11:43 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

Because a MODULE is normally a "plugin" library, and these
traditionally have the extension .so on Mac.

Do they?

I just searched all of /System and the only .so I find are in
Python.framework. I've been using Macs since the early 90s, I don't
recall any tradition of using .so for anything, but could be wrong...


"The extension .bundle is recommended by Apple, but most ported software uses .so for the sake of compatibility. "

So, early on in OSX dev for CMake, this seemed like what most applications were doing. It seems that basically it comes down to this:

- if you want to link with it, it ends in .dylib

- if you want to dlopen it, it can be called anything you want. However, many UNIX applications like php, python, have code that expects a .so extension for loaded modules, so that is the easy path for CMake.

You can of course change it in CMake with a target property. I don't think we will be changing this in CMake as I am sure it would break at least ParaView, VTK, and ITK.

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