Hello all,

i think i stumbled upon something that keeps me occupied for quite some
time now:

I have a quite large CMake based project, wich is intended to generate a
Visual Studo 2008 solution. The problem is, that I use mixed internal
and external projects, which depend on each other, like VTK, ITK, CTK
and a main project which uses them. This is partly intended, because
including the projects (with add_subdirectory) guarantees that the
source files and headers show up in the final Visual Studio solution.

CTK for example is an external project, and the main project always
fails to get the configuration of the CTK project (usefile, configfile).

This is why:

During generation, the main project does a find_packag(CTK). As there is
no find module for this, the method then works in config mode.

Now things get a little awkward:

The main project does the request with findpackage during its config and
generation time, whereas the external projects like CTK, Log4Qt etc.
generate such things only when the projects's solution file is loaded
into Visual Stuido and is beeing built!

But of course, generation failed due to the missing external projects

Does anyone have some ideas or a solution to this problem?

The problem s apparently that build time in visual Studio is separated
from the configuration. Is there a way how to force a exterbal project
into the configuration step *without* buildng afterwards, like a custom
CONFIGURE_COMMAND that triggers cmake itself? The subprojects are pure
CMakeprojects, after all...

Help is highly appreciated!


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