> So I see that one of my projects has this problem.
> I've narrowed it down to this commit:
> http://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commit;h=a5683f8

Great! This was fast.

> If I remove the code that commit adds, from the current HEAD, then my
> problem goes away.
> When checking the XML, it complained about a few lines that looked like
> this:
> <Add option="-DMY_DIR="/path/to/file"" />
> So it appears that code doesn't handle preprocessor defines with quoting.
> Peter, is that your problem also?  

Yes, same here: <Add option="-DOP_PATH=""" />

> Can you edit your .cbp to remove lines like 
> that?  Or copy it to a file with a .xml extension then open it in a
> program that can check the xml (e.g. firefox).

Replacing above line with <Add option="-DOP_PATH" /> fixes 
the problem.


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