On 18.10.11 00:25:00, Claudio Bantaloukas wrote:
> Hi *
> I have installed the windows developer preview with visual studio 2011.
> I tried to use cmake 2.8.6 to generate a project but:
> - when I try to open the sln file, I get a modal dialog saying that the
> format is not recognized
> (in fact the .sln file can be opened if I change the header to
> --
> Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
> # Visual Studio 11 Express for Windows 8
> --
> )
> - when I manage to open the solution file, I get another dialog saying that
> the project target framework is not installed: (the Visual C++ project
> "ALL_BUILD" is targeting ".NETFramework,Version=4.0", which is not installed
> on this machine. You must download this framework in order to open and build
> this project.
> I am then guided to the Framework Download Web Site which is asking me to
> download framework versions for visual studio 2010.... (
> http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=122841 )
> Ideas on how to make this work? Other than ditching this experiment
> alltogether that is? ;)

Add a VS 2011 generator to CMake which generates the correct solution
files and post the patch to a corresponding bugreport in the tracker.



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