Update: I think users can work around this issue (#12570, empty
property pages in VS10), by having the directory where to build the
binaries on a separate drive (different from the drive that has the
source files).

Mateusz Loskot wrote:
Separate drive may not be an option for some/many.
I, for instance, don't use partitions, but I use
CMakeas as main builder for my projects.

In order to work around http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=12570 I think it should be sufficient to have a different drive *letter* when specifying where to build the binaries than the drive letter(s) of the path names of the source files. So I guess one might work around this issue by mapping a new drive letter to the build/bin directory, even while this directory might be located at the same physical drive as the source files. Right?

Kind regards,

Niels Dekker
Scientific programmer at LKEB, Leiden University Medical Center

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