On Monday 21 November 2011, Mauricio de Paulo wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've just recently became a CMake user and I'm really glad such a
> powerfull tool is available.
> I've used CMake with KDevelop so far but I'd really like to change to
> Eclipse.
> I've found that the Eclipse generator is not working properly and I
> wrote myself a simple fix after some hours googling for solutions:
> cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
> awk -vRS="</link>"  '{gsub(/<link>.*/,"") }1' .project > .project-new
> mv -f .project-new .project
> Someone wrote about a bug with CMake 2.8.5 that was generating a few
> wrong tags when exporting to Eclipse. The code above is just a shell
> script with awk to remove the wrong tags.
> Is this already fixed on CMake 2.8.6? 

Please give it a try, I think so.
You can simply download the binary package for Linux from www.cmake.org and 
unpack it anywhere on your system (e.g. /opt), it will work.

> I'm using kubuntu 11.10 and the
> CMake version in the repository is 2.8.5.

Or please send me the corupted .project file.


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