2011/11/29 Steven Green <ste...@greenius.ltd.uk>:
> Hello,
> This is my first post to this mailing list.  I have a problem relating to
> creating an RPM.
> Previously I was using CMake version 2.8.4, and when adding a file such as
> /etc/init.d/myfile it would only add that one file to the RPM.
> I recently upgraded to CMake 2.8.6 and now it is adding /etc and /etc/init.d
> to the RPM.
> When I try to install it on CentOS using rpm or yum I get an error message
> about /etc/init.d conflicting with another package.

Which package?
Which version of CentOS (lsb_release -a will tell you that)
Which version of rpm (rpm --version will tell you that)

Did you actually build the RPM you want to install on the same host
or did you build the RPM let say on RedHat (or even Debian/Ubuntu) and
then try to install it on CentOS?

What does
rpm -qpi your_package.rpm | grep locat


> This was fixed in bug 9654 (for 2.8.1).  However it seems to have been
> recently reverted in response to bug 12305.
> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=9654
> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=12305

RPM directory handling keep popping-up

from those last two I understood that including directories should be safe.

> Is there some kind of workaround so I can make my RPM install on CentOS?

Yes you can do
rpm -i --force your_package.rpm

but this would overwrite any existing file present on the system which are
your RPM as well.

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