On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:57 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:36 PM, Matthew LeRoy wrote:
> > On Dec 4, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> >
> >> On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Matthew LeRoy wrote:
> >>
> >>> We began using CMake a few months ago for a couple of small cross-
> platform projects, and we're still
> >>> learning all the ins and outs and capabilities CMake has to offer, as
> well as how to get the most
> >>> out of CMake by using it "The Right Way". Right now, we're trying to
> figure out how to link
> >>> to external libraries that don't have "find" modules or CMake config-mode
> files. After lots of
> >>> reading in the wiki, mailing list, etc, it seems like there are several
> different ways to do
> >>> this, like writing "find" modules and/or config-mode files ourselves,
> using the LINK_DIRECTORIES()
> >>> command, importing/exporting targets, and others. What we're unsure of
> is, what is the "preferred"
> >>> or "officially supported" method?
> >>>
> >>> To be a little more specific, we have two different library projects
> (call them ProjectA and
> >>> ProjectB) that both use CMake, but are developed independently. Further,
> ProjectB depends (or will
> >>> depend) on ProjectA; we've just recently gotten to the point on ProjectB
> where we want to use some
> >>> of the functionality in ProjectA, so we need to link to the ProjectA
> library(ies). At first we
> >>> thought we needed to write a "find" module for ProjectA -- but we really
> have very little idea how
> >>> to go about doing that. Other than the wiki page for finding libraries
> that talks a little about
> >>> writing "find" modules
> (http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/CMake:How_To_Find_Libraries), is there any other
> >>> documentation for writing a proper "find" module? Is there a particular
> module that ships with CMake
> >>> that is well-written that we should look at as a guide?
> >>
> >> I had a project that I developed a few years back which was very close to
> your situation. My project, call it "MXA", was the base library that got used
> in a number of other projects. What I ended up doing was creating a
> "FindMXA.cmake" file that got configured during the actual build of MXA to
> make sure all the proper library names and location of resource files were
> set correctly. Then I would install the MXA project into an external location
> on my system, say /Users/Shared/Toolkits (OS X). I would manually copy the
> FindMXA.cmake file to the other projects so that they could have the find
> module available. In the beginning this made for a lot of manual copying when
> MXA was changing a bunch but once MXA settled down to a consistent naming
> scheme the "FindMXA.cmake" file never changed and so I found I did not have
> to update the "FindMXA.cmake" file in the other projects that depended on
> MXA.
> >> I think in more recent years the CMake developers would rather see people
> create the CMake Export files instead of developing the Find* module for my
> project. In the end I just didn't have the time to properly investigate and
> implement the CMake Export file so I never did it.
> >>
> >> I think if the CMake community took a vote we could probably come up with
> an "Exemplar" Find*.cmake file that is good for someone trying to develop a
> new one. The issues that arise are that each of the projects that have a
> "Find*.cmake" file are usually different in subtle ways which leads to issues
> when you try to simply "copy/paste" from an existing module to create a new
> module. It really just depends on what your "ProjectA" has installed. I am
> going to provide my current "FindMXA.cmake" file at the end of this email and
> leave it open for criticism/corrections. Maybe it will spur a conversation
> that we can all benefit from.
> >
> > Believe it or not, I've already been using your MXADataModel project as my
> main 'exemplar' CMake-based project. I had read several messages from you in
> the archives when I was first getting started with CMake, and I think at
> least one of them also mentioned MXA, so I went to your website and saw that
> the source was available so I thought I'd take a peek.
> >
> > Anyway, let me clarify a little bit what we're trying to accomplish. We are
> indeed trying to treat ProjectA and ProjectB as completely independent
> projects (as Alan has suggested), and our plan is to version ProjectA and do
> drops at specific milestones. ProjectB will use only the binary distribution
> of ProjectA. We would like to make it so that ProjectB's source tree in
> version control is entirely self-contained, so that we can simply sync down a
> local copy in a fresh development environment and compile without having to
> 'install' ProjectA first. Better yet, we may want to sync multiple copies of
> ProjectB's source tree in separate locations on the same system, from
> different instances in time where the version of ProjectA in use is
> different, and be able to build and debug both separate copies of ProjectB
> without having to worry about having multiple versions of ProjectA
> 'installed'. Our thought here is to have part of ProjectA's source tree be a
> collection of binary distributions of the various independent components that
> is uses - one of which is ProjectA.
> >
> > That being said, we are traditionally a Windows development shop and have
> little experience setting up source trees in anything other than the "Visual
> Studio" style of one root folder for the solution and subfolders for each
> "project" in the solution, where everything is somewhat idiot-proof. I
> realize that it's a bit beyond the scope of the CMake mailing list to be
> discussing the finer points of source tree structure for general C++
> programming, but we're open to whatever suggestions (or pointers to other
> references) anyone may have as to the best way to go about accomplishing what
> we're after, CMake-related or otherwise.
> >
> > For the time being, I'll take a look at the FindMXA.cmake file to get an
> idea of how I might write a Find* module for our ProjectA, since it sounds
> like using CMake EXPORT files to accomplish what I described above may not be
> possible. Your comments regarding the recent preference of using CMake EXPORT
> files instead of Find* modules are exactly the kind of info I was looking for
> originally, however.
> >
> > Matt
> What version control system are you using? Does it support "submodules" or
> sub projects? I still think having a binary distribution is a bad thing but
> in your case it may just work out ok.
>  The other fleeting thought I had was in ProjectB's Main CMakeLists.txt file
> get the location of ProjectA and then do a
> "add_subdirectory(${ProjectA_SOURCE_DIR})" and just plain build ProjectA
> inside of ProjectB. Assuming of course ProjectA is small enough that
> including it in a build will not overly slow things down. I have done that in
> some other projects and it has turned out to work just fine.
>   There are lots of examples where "add_external_project()" is used in this
> way to bring in a build things like Zip, Tiff, Jpeg or other small projects.
> Hope that helps
> --
> Mike Jackson <www.bluequartz.net>

We're using Perforce, which I'm fairly certain doesn't have anything like 
or subprojects.

I'm curious, why is it your opinion that a binary distribution is a bad thing?
How is using a binary distribution of our own ProjectA different/worse than
a binary distribution of any of the libraries for which CMake ships a 

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