I found the problem in code and currently have a fix. However, the code
change requires some thread synchronization. Does anyone know if there is a
reader/writer lock object in the CMake source code?

Robert Dailey

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Robert Dailey <rcdai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a foreach/while loop that checks if files exist. The files it is
> checking are on a Windows network share. So, each check takes a while.
> Sometimes after I click "Configure" in cmake-gui.exe, I want to click
> "Stop" during this check. However, the stop does not seem to interrupt the
> loop. I know this because let's say the whole loop takes 20 seconds to
> complete. If I let the loop run without clicking stop, it takes 20 seconds.
> If I click stop at about 10 seconds, then 10 seconds later it stops. In
> other words, clicking stop does not take affect until 20 seconds have
> passed anyway. So it obviously isn't stopping it. My loops basically look
> like this:
> while()
>    foreach()
>       if( EXISTS )
>       endif()
>    endforeach()
> endwhile()
> If I am checking 20 files, each check takes about 1 second to equal a
> total time of 20 seconds. So, at most, after clicking stop, there should be
> a 1 second wait time.
> Can anyone verify that while/foreach loops can or cannot be interrupted by
> cmake-gui?
> ---------
> Robert Dailey

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