On Dec 30, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Michael Hertling wrote:

On 12/28/2011 05:39 PM, Belcourt, K. Noel wrote:
Hi Aaron,

On Dec 27, 2011, at 11:04 PM, Aaron Ten Clay wrote:

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On 12/27/11 16:16, Belcourt, Kenneth wrote:
I'm trying to get CMake to execute this command

\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/onejar_classpath.txt >>

but this doesn't work, here's the error I get when I run the install.

I've checked that both the source and target files exist and are
writable. Any ideas on how to get this to work?

It looks as thought you might be missing some escaped double-quotes.

I've tried quite a few quoting permutations, none work.

\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/onejar_classpath.txt\" >>

Unfortunately this doesn't work.

AFAIK, this is because EXECUTE_PROCESS() doesn't fork a shell to run
the COMMANDs, so the redirection operators like ">>" are meaningless.

It's also worth noting that this is not a cross-platform command.

Yup, we're a unix only shop.

Then use one of the premier *nix tools:

\\\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/onejar_classpath.txt\\\" >>

Eek, that's a lot of quoting. I found a workaround but thanks for this, I may use it if opportunity arises in the future. Perhaps this:

AFAIK, this is because EXECUTE_PROCESS() doesn't fork a shell to run
the COMMANDs, so the redirection operators like ">>" are meaningless.

could be entered into the documentation somewhere as this is important to know. Thanks for the help Michael.

-- Noel


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