I guess I have failed to strike the interest of anyone on this?

Robert Dailey

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Robert Dailey <rcdai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> there are .user files generated by newer versions of Visual Studio (since
> 2005 I believe) that contain per-machine or per-workspace information. For
> all intents and purposes these are temporary files that are not checked
> into version control.
> The normal file naming convention for these are:
> project.vcproj.DOMAIN.USER.user
> Where DOMAIN is the machine/domain name, and USER is the local account
> name.
> I found out a couple of years ago that if you rename it to this:
> project.vcproj.user
> Visual Studio will treat this as "defaults" for the machine-specific
> version created using the naming convention I first outlined.
> The user files are useful for setting debug working directory and command
> arguments. There are some other things you can set but I have never found a
> use for them. Since I like to set these two parameters, what I've done is
> keep my template user file in version control, and use CMake's
> configure_file() to fill in the command arguments and working directory
> fields for me. This approach is a good workaround but I'd really like to
> see CMake generate these for me. Right now I have to keep 1 user file for
> each version of visual studio that can be used, and configure them
> differently based on VS IDE selection.
> Would it be suitable for CMake to incorporate this functionality? If CMake
> provided built-in support for this, we could create target properties that
> would set these fields on the target (it would set them on the generated
> user file instead of the vcproj file like normal target properties would
> do):
> set_target_properties( project PROPERTIES
>    DEBUG_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS "-debug -reg"
> )
> I'd be happy to help implement this should David, Bill, and others find it
> to be a good idea.
> PS: I think I can do it without boost this time ;)
> ---------
> Robert Dailey

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