On 02/28/2012 05:53 PM, Eric Noulard wrote:
2012/2/28 Andrea Crotti<andrea.crott...@gmail.com>:
On 02/28/2012 03:42 PM, Eric Noulard wrote:

Yes more or less beside the fact is CPack is doing more work than that:
   1) CPack handles CPack-private install location for you
       (including the installation of the component selected to be put
in the installer
        taken from CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL)

   2) It prepares componentization of the installer.
      (including possible COMPONENT dependencies, display name etc...

   3) Finally if you use configure_file + add_custom_command you won't get
      all the CPACK_xxx vars CPack has :-( Because some of them my be computed
      dynamically by CPack which then does the configure_file in this context.

I forgot to mention that "NSIS.template.in" is including an auxiliary file:
"NSIS.InstallOptions.ini.in" which is configured as well.

All this is doable by hand but may not be as easy as it seems in the
general case.

Thanks for the great explanation, now it's clear..
Just one thing, how do I make sure that it's actually using my own template
(apart from running the produced installer)?

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