Hello CMake community,

I have experience using CMake to generate sime cuda-enabled executables (where 
the cpp’s reside in one folder, etc.).
I am attempting to move a large project that utilizes CMake, from just c++ to 
CUDA enabled c++.  

It is a project that generates a large set of libraries (comprising a toolkit), 
using various cmake scripts.  I have modified the “add_libraries” call to be 
“cuda_add_libraries”, and changed all of the .cc files to .cu (but with no 
additional CUDA code).  An approach I thought would be similar to changing a 
simple program from add_executable to “cuda_add_executable” and renaming the 
extension to “.cu”
My goal was first to have it compile properly in its original form post 
migration, but am met with some very strange errors in visual studio.  

I am wondering if anyone else has undertaken such a migration before (libraries 
or binaries), and if so, what types of general steps need to be taken other 
than just telling CMake we’re adding “.cu” files?

Thanks all in advance,

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