> Is the separation between configuration & generation really necessary
> for cmake-gui? I ask because several of my co-workers are confused
> between the differences in the two, even though I explain it.
> Honestly there isn't really a reason that I can think of to do a
> configure without a generate, unless you're testing the integrity of
> your CMake script changes maybe, but even then, if its broken
> generation won't take place.
> The command line program does not separate the two, so I simply think
> cmake-gui should eliminate the configure button, and simply have a
> generate button. Does this seem fair? Is there a reason why they are
> separated?

I can think of one use case that I use that the separation is a good
thing. What about when you have options and variables that are
conditional depending on other CMake variables so that setting the
variables / options may take more than 1 configure.


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