Andreas Stahl wrote
> Hello Jupiter,
> can you post the error message here? I wasn't aware that install(FILES
> ...) did any checking besides comparing the dates and overwriting if the
> file to be installed is newer. 
> Also, you misunderstood what Petr meant. You need to escape the quotes in
> the install(CODE "...") call, because you're effectively writing a string
> to a file, i.e.:
>  install(CODE "
>   if (NOT EXISTS \"${destination}/myfile.txt\")
>         install(FILES \"${source}/myfile.txt\" DESTINATION ${destination})
>     endif()
>  ")
> BUT: using install inside an install command smells like problems, so you
> better use the file(INSTALL...) directive, anyway:
>  install(CODE "
>   if (NOT EXISTS \"${destination}/myfile.txt\")
>         file(INSTALL \"${source}/myfile.txt\" DESTINATION
> \"${destination}\")
>     endif()
>  ")
> using the SCRIPT signature expects a cmake script file that will be
> included in the cmake_install.cmake script file. This means you would need
> to configure your paths in your cmakelists file
>  configure_file( myfile_install.cmake)
>  install(SCRIPT myfile_install.cmake)
> and in you'd put
>  if(NOT EXISTS "${destination}/myfile.txt")
>    file(INSTALL "${source}/myfile.txt" DESTINATION "${destination}")
>  endif()
> Hope that helps,
> Andreas

Ahh, that's tricky, the file(INSTALL ....) works. Thank you so much Andreas,
and thanks Petr for your kind helps.



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