I am trying out CMake 2.8.11rc1 on windows and linux continuous build clients.

During clean full rebuilds everything seems to work fine.
During incremental "Continuous" builds with reused build directories however CMAKE_OBJCOPY (on linux gcc; used by me manually) and CMAKE_LINKER (on windows MSVC; used by the static link step) sometimes seem to go missing (the variables are suddenly empty?).

I haven't been able to reliably reproduce or find the issue behind it but at least the CMAKE_OBJCOPY problem seems to have gone away by me manually including CMakeFindBinUtils in the context where I used it.

When CMAKE_LINKER goes empty I get Dashboard (CDash) errors like this:
Command: "/lib" "/nologo" [...] <- notice the missing linker executable name at the beginning Exit Condition: Error administrating child process: The parameter is incorrect


Nils Gladitz, B.Sc.
DICOM, Konnektivität und Entwicklung

Scivis wissenschaftliche Bildverarbeitung GmbH
Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 5
D-37085 Göttingen
Handelsregister Nr. / Trade Register No. B3100 Göttingen
Geschäftsführer / Managing Directors Dr. Gernot Ebel, Dr. Uwe Engeland

Tel: 0049 (0)551 634181-28
E-Mail: glad...@scivis.de
Web: www.scivis.de


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