On 2013-04-17 12:41, Skippy VonDrake wrote:
Thought I understood this - but alas my implementation is wrong.

Here's my test case with a top-level cmake file and 3 subdirectories:
'src', 'bin' and 'outdir'.

Top level CMakeLists.txt
    cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
    project (copyFile)
    set (TARGETNAME fooCopy)
    add_subdirectory (src)

    add_executable (${TARGETNAME}       main.cpp)
    set (input  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/config.cfg)
    set (output ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/outdir/config.cfg)

    add_dependencies(${TARGETNAME}  ${output})

        OUTPUT "${output}"
        DEPENDS "${input}"
        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
                "${input}" "${output}"


The config file (config.cfg) is just some text and cpp file is just a
"hello world"

Since the config file is not source included as a dependency in the
add_executable command, I assume my problem is making the target
properly depend on it? Specifically ${TARGETNAME} should depend
on "${output}"?

Hmm... yes, I'm not sure if add_dependencies can be used to add a file dependency to a target (the documentation only talks about adding other targets as dependencies).

Usually things like configured files are used as source files, i.e. as inputs to add_executable, etc.

If for some reason that doesn't work, I believe you can make your executable dependent on a custom target, which in turn depends on the output file from your custom command. IOW:

add_custom_command(OUTPUT out DEPENDS in COMMAND stuff)
add_executable(exe sources)
add_custom_target(exe_config DEPENDS out)
add_dependencies(exe exe_config)

If you only have one custom command, you can probably use add_custom_target to run the command instead, i.e.:

add_custom_target(exe_config DEPENDS in COMMAND stuff)
add_executable(exe sources)
add_dependencies(exe exe_config)

Hope that helps,



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