
Are you using cmake with a Makefiles generator on Windows ?

>From my experiments here are my observations:

-          Makefiles on Windows: slow

-          Visual ide generator : fast

-          Makefiles on linux: fast

I found that when there are many targets in a project, cmake has to write many 
small files on the HD which seems to be very slow on windows.


From: cmake-boun...@cmake.org [mailto:cmake-boun...@cmake.org] On Behalf Of 
Volo Zyko
Sent: mardi 23 avril 2013 21:51
To: cmake@cmake.org
Subject: [CMake] cmake script profiler

Hi all,

We have a rather big project and use cmake for building it. At some point our 
cmake scripts became very slow (around 4 minutes for single cmake run). We are 
thinking now how to speed up it. Searching the web and this list didn't give 
any results. It looks like there is no such thing as profiler for cmake 
scripts. Am I right?

What about adding such capability to cmake? It looks like cmake's trace 
provides enough info for time profiling, the only thing that it lacks is a time 
stamp. Below is a small patch that adds time stamp and nesting level (to 
simplify building a stack trace) to each trace line. Would it be possible to 
integrate this change to the main line or are there better options for time 
profiling of cmake?

diff --git a/Source/cmMakefile.cxx b/Source/cmMakefile.cxx
index 25ccbc7..0e6725c 100644
--- a/Source/cmMakefile.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmMakefile.cxx
@@ -361,6 +361,8 @@ bool cmMakefile::GetBacktrace(cmListFileBacktrace& 
backtrace) const
 void cmMakefile::PrintCommandTrace(const cmListFileFunction& lff)
   cmOStringStream msg;
+  msg << "(" << std::fixed << cmSystemTools::GetTime();
+  msg << ") (" << this->CallStack.size() << ") ";
   msg << lff.FilePath << "(" << lff.Line << "):  ";
   msg << lff.Name << "(";
   for(std::vector<cmListFileArgument>::const_iterator i =

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