On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 1:04 AM, David Golub <golu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I’m pleased to announce the first release candidate of CMake Tools for
> Visual Studio, an extension adding support for syntax highlighting and
> IntelliSense in CMake code using Microsoft Visual Studio.  The extension is
> open source (distributed under Ms-RL), freely available, and compatible
> with VS 2010 and VS 2012.  You can download it from the project from its
> web site on CodePlex at http://cmaketools.codeplex.com.  I hope that the
> extension will prove useful to the CMake community.  Please don’t hesitate
> to contact me if you’ve found any bugs that you’d like to report of it
> you’re interested in contributing to the project.  Enjoy!****
> ** **
> David Golub****

I've been looking for something like that by reflex for sometime, so I
tried it right now (I have my CMakeLists.txt files visible in my VS
It seems to work well!
Good work!

I'll report if I find issues.

Joel Lamotte

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