On Monday, July 21, 2014 22:41:32 Stephen Kelly wrote:
> Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > Given the above, I thought it would make sense to provide a new
> > FindPyQt.cmake that would replace (and be backward compatible with)
> > FindPyQt4.cmake that would work for both the new and old PyQt4 configure
> > and with PyQt5 and have it be actually in CMake so that there would not be
> > multiple copies running around.
> Did you consider generating config-file packages containing IMPORTED targets
> and shipping them with PyQt5 instead?
>  http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/manual/cmake-packages.7.html
> That removes any need for you to maintain anything in the CMake tree.
> Qt5 generates such files with qmake, and LLVM does similar with its Makefile
> buildsystem.

I had not considered that.  I'm not upstream for PyQt, so I can't say for 
sure, but I can ask if patches for that would be accepted.


Scott K

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