I'm actually glad it doesn't auto strip though... in this case I'm
appending signature data to the exe and it would be bad if that was
stripped; and strip does do a good job of removing that also.

I am curious why I can't specify the target on the command line... like why
there's an automatic translation of slashes; would really think that it's
up to the user to specify the correct direction of slashes.  There's
nothing in the windows file system that doesn't like forward or backward
slash (it accepts either), just applications.

(as in)
   cmake.exe --build . --config "release" --target "install/strip" --

which gets the / reversed before make is called.

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:44 AM, J Decker <d3c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> yes.  running strip on DLLs can take a 24k dll and make it 10k.
> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B812EYiKwtkkfkc5bDI1RUZOaEtyV1VicUpva0Nkd09pN2V2YjFCODdNajRYNWRWZ2psZkE
> It has a lot of extra data even building with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release
> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Hendrik Sattler <p...@hendrik-sattler.de
> > wrote:
>> Am 11. Mai 2015 18:46:13 MESZ, schrieb J Decker <d3c...@gmail.com>:
>> >command:
>> >  cmake.exe --build . --config "release" --target "install/strip" --
>> >output:
>> >  mingw32-make.exe: *** No rule to make target 'install\strip'.  Stop.
>> >
>> >It reverses the slash?
>> >install doesn't always strip?
>> >does package strip?
>> Is there actually anything to strip from a windows executable?
>> Even on Linux: stripping a binary without debug symbols?
>> HS

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