On 11/08/2016 16:24, rle...@codelibre.net wrote:
I've come across an odd situation where I'm unsure what the most
portable and recommended solution would be.

I'm linking a program against the CURL and ICU libraries.  CURL has
traditional variables for the includes and libraries; ICU has imported

In FindICU:
          set_target_properties(${_ICU_imported_target} PROPERTIES

In my code:

find_package(ICU COMPONENTS uc data)
list(APPEND libxerces_c_DEPS ${CURL_LIBRARIES})
list(APPEND libxerces_c_DEPS ICU::uc ICU::data)

And the resulting includes on the compiler invocation:

-I/tmp/b2/xerces-source/src -Isrc -I/tmp/b2/xerces-source/tests -isystem
/tmp/b2/superbuild-install/include -msse2 -MD -MT
tests/CMakeFiles/XSValueTest.dir/src/XSValueTest/XSValueTest.cpp.o -MF
tests/CMakeFiles/XSValueTest.dir/src/XSValueTest/XSValueTest.cpp.o.d -o
tests/CMakeFiles/XSValueTest.dir/src/XSValueTest/XSValueTest.cpp.o -c

The problem is this:
CURL is in /usr/local/include
ICU v55 is in /usr/local/include
ICU v57 is in /tmp/b2/superbuild-install/include with its libs in

Sorry, I noticed that the compiler invocation was from the wrong source file; it should have -I/usr/local/include right at the start, then -isystem /tmp/b2/superbuild-install/include at the end as above.


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