> On May 22, 2018, at 6:36 AM, rle...@codelibre.net wrote:
> On 2018-05-21 18:39, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> I've been recently trying to update/add Find-modules to CMake:
>> updated FindJPEG, proposed FindODBC and most recently FindLZ4.
> […]
>> The FindLZ4 discussion basically ended with suggestion from Brad that,
>> instead of adding Find-module to CMake, I should approach LZ4 project
>> and add Config-file to the library itself.
>> Then I argued taht Config-files are more complex and I don't feel like
>> asking projects, which I don't maintain myself, to accept the extra 
>> complexity.
>> Finally, Brad replied that CMake doesn't need LZ4 itself and yet for some
>> reason is expected to know all about it: versions, headers, libraries, etc.
>> and that it's not scalable to teach CMake about every project in the world.
> It really doesn't scale.  I've contributed and provided ongoing fixes for a 
> few Find modules out of practical necessity, for projects which are 
> effectively incapable of adding a Config-file, either because the project was 
> stagnant with no new releases (Xerces, Xalan), or where the project was so 
> complex that it was effectively impossible to add (Boost).  However, that 
> work should have been done by the upstream.  The ongoing maintenance cost has 
> been moved from the upstream development, where it belongs, to a volunteer 
> (me).  It's work which I do because it provides value to me and my employer 
> so I can use CMake with the projects I work on, but is otherwise 
> unjustifiable.  You simply can't expect every Find module to keep pace with 
> upstream development without a small army of volunteers to keep them all up 
> to date.  If they are provided with the upstream releases, they are de facto 
> always up to date because they are directly matched to the library.
> Note that for several of these projects (e.g. Xerces, libtiff), I have 
> actually provided upstream CMake build systems which install Config-files, so 
> in the future the Find modules can be deprecated and users can move to the 
> Config-file as these releases make their way into distributions.  That's 
> semi-altruistic.  I've spent a lot of effort up front to make CMake 
> infrastructure in these projects maintainable for the long term, and 
> something which can be delegated to others for ongoing maintenance.
>> This opinion does not surprise me and I understand the rationale.
>> I argue that CMake does need to know about every project in the world,
>> or every project that CMake users wish to use, directly or indirectly.
>> Without the knowledge CMake would simply be useless.
> Not useless, that's going a bit far.  It's requiring a little bit of extra 
> work to be functional.  For libraries without Find modules, you can usually 
> write your own in a couple of dozen lines.  At that point your options are:
> - to upstream it as a Config-file template to the upstream developers
> - to maintain it independently in your project
> - to upstream it to cmake.git
> Depending upon the library in question, I've done all three at various times.
>> As a CMake user, I expect to be able to install CMake and get my dependencies
>> recognised by CMake as CMake's responsibility
>> If a library is strictly GNU Autoconf, I'm on lost position trying to 
>> convince
>> maitnainers to accept CMake stuff and even if they do, they won't be willing 
>> to
>> maintain it - broken Config-files may be deployed with new packages.
>> That puts users of CMake and such library on lost position:
>> CMake says no to Find-module, the library does not care either.
> If it's using Autoconf, then it can still provide and install CMake 
> configuration files.  It can use @var@ substitutions in the Config-file.in 
> template and then install it.  Just like for pkg-config templates.

If a project already uses pkg-config, a user could just use that for its usage 
requirements. Even more, why couldn’t cmake support this natively? That is the 
user can just write something like `find_package(zlib CONF)` to get zlib’s 
usage requirements. This would simplify when a cmake project wants to generate 
config cmake which uses a pkg-config file, as we can just write 
`find_dependency(zlib CONF)`.



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