On Sun, 28 Oct 2018 at 11:26, Osman Zakir <osmanzaki...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> In the Dockerfile for my project, the build process can't go any farther from 
> the point where I'm trying to build the Jinja2Cpp library.  CMake isn't able 
> to find Boost.Filesystem, but it's still able to build the library and write 
> the files to "/usr/local/Jinja2Cpp/build" just fine.

TL;TR: That sounds like Boost.Filesystem is not required, just remove
from `find_package` COMPONENTS list.

First, I'd ensure the build works locally, not in any docker image.
If it does not work, request verbose output from `FindBoost.cmake` output b

set(Boost_DEBUG ON)
find_package(Boost ...)

Read it carefully and compare what details the module determines, if
they are correct.
For example, it may detect -gcc55- tag while your environment has
libboost_filesystem...-gcc5-...lib, etc.
There are many details involved and many places where it can get wrong.
For instance, see some listed here
search for section
"TIP: If CMake is failing to find Boost libraries, you can try a few hacks:"

Your report above is very general, not sufficient at all to pin point
where may possible problem be.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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