I solved it: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/18648

On 11/28/18 11:46 AM, Manh Nguyen Tien wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm having a bug on CMake 3.12 (version and syntax).
> Here is my structure.
> RootFolder
>     CMakeLists.txt (C1)
>     library/
>         CMakeLists.txt (C2)
>     samples/
>         CMakeLists.txt (C3)
> In my C1, I add subdir library and samples. C2 builds a library target
> (LIB).
> My problem is that C3 can't find my LIB or my LIB's configuration is not
> visible.
> This code in C3 doesn't produce any warnings:
> target_link_libraries(sample1
> )
> When building sample1, my compiler couldn't find LIB's headers.
> I declared those headers for my LIB using target_sources command (PUBLIC
> Here is how I create the LIB:
> - Add LIB_OBJ library (object library)
> - target_sources for header and source files
> - target_include_directories
> - target_link_libraries for LIB's dependencies
> - add a static library LIB_STATIC
> - link LIB_STATIC with LIB_OBJ
> - create an alias LIB of LIB_STATIC
> My full source code is at:
> https://gitlab.com/InnerPieceOSS/Saga3D/tree/android
> To reproduce:
> - Clone project
> - Checkout branch android
> - mkdir build && cd build
> - cmake .. -DBUILD_SAMPLES=ON
> - make -j4
> Could you help me to identify the problem?
> Thank you!
> Manh Nguyen Tien.

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