Am Mittwoch, 3. April 2019, 22:26:59 CEST schrieb Benjamin Shadwick:
> I tried cmake4eclipse, and it's a mixed bag. It requires a lot of tweaking

Really? Just set _CMake Builder (portable)_ as the current builder and build.

> of the Eclipse project after you create it, and I'm pretty sure it suffers
> from the same problem of leaving you with an Eclipse project whose source
> tree reflects what is in the filesystem rather than what is defined in the
> CMake project.

What does that mean: _an Eclipse project whose source tree reflects what is in 
the filesystem rather than what is defined in the CMake project._ ??

> It's really annoying that I spent all this time building a CMake project
> for a complex codebase, only to have the IDE present and index the entire
> source tree on the filesystem instead of the subset that is actually being
> built by the CMake configuration.

If the IDE indexing all source files takes too long, I would say it is a 
problem with the IDE; but not a problem of cmake's IDE project generator (as 
the topic states).

> I should probably enhance my project-tweaking python script to add filters
> to the generated Eclipse project to hide anything that isn't in the CMake
> project.

That's the only way to go in your case. How should the CDT4 project generator 
know about all your source files that do not take part in a build?


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