Hi Nick,

Not sure if it is relevant for you, but for other who will search.

I have the same problem.
What I found:

1. When you issue "cmake --build", it runs following command line:
msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Platform=Win32 ...

So it is not a solution file, that have rules to match configurations, but a
ALL_BUILD project file.

2. inside each *.vcxproj, there is a section(s)
    <ProjectReference Include=&quot;&lt;path_to>\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj">

  There is reference for each dependent projects.

3. ms build is using this information to build project and all its

4. however, <ProjectReference ..> does not contain configuration matching
rules (set with MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_XXX)

5. there is a way to specify configuration in ProjectReference, but VS
generator in CMake does not have this ability.
5.1. Way to specify:
<ProjectReference Include="path to project.projext">

Conclusion: I don't think that CMake can do it right now.
I plan to add Debug/Release targets on my proprietary provided projects.
Probably this can be address in future version of CMake.


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