Thanks a lot Ralf and Tito!

Looks like on plain SBCL we still need '(require :asdf)'
'(find-package :asdf)' returns nil.

'(in-package :asdf-user)' did the trick.

For what you guys are suggesting 'clm.asd' should look like:

(require :asdf)
(in-package :asdf-user)
(asdf:defsystem "clm"
   :description "Common Lisp Music"
   :version "5"
   :author "William Schottstaedt <bil (at) ccmra (dot) stanford (dot) edu>"
   :licence "LLGPL"
   :perform (compile-op (o c)
              (load (system-relative-pathname "clm" "all.lisp"))))

I forgot

(in-package :asdf-user)

at the beginning of clm.asd.

An example of ${HOME}/.sbclrc file:

(require :asdf)

(dolist (l (list '*default-pathname-defaults* #p"/path/to/clm/"))
(pushnew l asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal))

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