How long had Randy been on 800 mgs?  I have since June 2006.  I usually
end up with a neulasta shot once a month.  I just go over a bad case of
the flu (yuck) and I had labs yesterday and my anc was 1.3.  When I get
to 1 I get the shot.  I think the highest it's ever been after a shot
was 2.9.  At one point my Mayo doc was letting me get down to .5 and I
was never heathier, kinda strange.  My hemoglobin has been low but
talking with people I guess this is normal being on such a high dose.
I had another FISH drawn and sent to Mayo Clinic yesterday so I should
know results from that next week.  Last FISH was 3.8% 6 weeks ago down
from 68% in May.  So, I'm really hopig when my doc calls she tells me
I'm at 0 that would be great since this has been such a roller coaster
since last summer 2005 when I was diagnosed.  I guess I've ben pretty
lucky as far as side effects go I really haven't had any and if I get
them they come and go and are usually short lived and mild.  Good luck
to Randy and take care of yourselves.

38 yrs old
dxed 8/3/05
800 mgs gleevec

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