If you think healthcare costs are high now wait until the government runs it.
-------------- Original message from Susan Armour <suzzienovem...@yahoo.com>: --------------

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Hi Gay:  From all you have said is why I posted as I did, because that has been the topic on everyone's minds.  Its a big decision, and basically I heard the same thing as far as doctors not wanting to be under the control of the Government.  I am not pleased with a lot of the things that have been handled so far, so you cannot help but worry about our future with Medical Care.  I think its good that everyone is putting their feelings online to share.

--- On Sun, 6/14/09, Gay Bratton <ghbrat...@satx.rr.com> wrote:

From: Gay Bratton <ghbrat...@satx.rr.com>
To: CMLHope@googlegroups.com
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 5:53 PM

Suzzie,  I hesitate to comment, because a position on this becomes so 
political, but I spent a night in a hospital emergency ward here in 
San Antonio after having some problems from a so-called "minor" 
surgery.  That evening gave me a totally different perspective on the 
health care system.  There were so many people waiting for care, and 
not nearly enough doctors and nurses (all of whom were compassionate 
and caring) to deal with everyone.  There needs to be a better way.   
However, there are several things about having the government involved 
in the solution that scare me.  #1 If there is a "government" 
insurance, they will set the rates, proposed treatment standards, etc. 
that all other insurance companies will follow----just like medicare 
and medicaid today.  The reason we can't get aransap is that medicare 
decided not to pay for it.  Until then, my insurance was covering it, 
but not anymore.  #2  No one has talked about where we're going to 
find enough doctors to see everyone or why, if government limits the 
money paid to doctors to keep the insurance cost down, the best and 
brightest of our young people would not choose other professions.   
Working in a government bureaucracy is NO fun.  My husband is a 
retired government employee and I am a retired teacher of some VERY 
bright high school kids and I would guess that working under doctor 
imposed rules is the last thing they will chose.  I'm afraid our 
doctors will become 2nd rate and our ability to see a doctor will 
decrease.   #3  I have never seen any business that the government can 
run better than private enterprise.  Look at the post office, 
education, Fanny May and Freddie Mac, welfare, and the list goes on 
and on.  Why would we choose to let our health care decisions be 
placed in the hands of politicians?  I don't trust any of them.

These are just a few of my thoughts and I'm sure that others won't 
agree, but I have excellent doctors and good insurance and I know that 
there are those who do not.  I'm afraid that "fixing" health care is 
going to mean "limited" health care for those who are most expensive 
to cover and that includes all of us with CML, as well as the elderly 
who cost so much more.

On Jun 13, 2009, at 7:41 PM, Suzzie wrote:

> Hi:  I have not seen too much going on lately on here, but this
> subject might stir some people up.
>    I need some knowledge regarding this new Health Plan that is being
> worked on by Obama.  It is Socialized Medicine, and I have not heard
> anything good about it, or how it will benefit all of us.
>   If anybody has it already, or can explain it simply I sure would
> like to understand what we all have to look forward to.
>   Personally, I am so disgusted with everything that is going on so
> far.
> >

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