The way I’ve written a SPEC stage appears to be causing error:


FPLSPX1038E Not a decimal number: RANDOM EXEC F 80 40 1 2013-02-06 07:40:30

FPLMSG003I ... Issued from stage 5 of pipeline 1

FPLMSG001I ... Running "SPEC a: 1-* . SELECT SECOND b: 1-* . IF (a¬==b) TH"


Input is paired sets of records (strings via two LISTFILE, already fed through 

The intention is that output will be suppressed unless the pair of records 
(strings) are not equal.

The SPEC stage in question:


'|    SPEC' ,

        'a: 1-* .' ,

        'SELECT SECOND' ,

        'b: 1-* .' ,

        'IF (a¬==b) THEN' ,

            '/'arg1':/ 1 PRINT a NW WRITE' ,

            '/'arg2':/ 1 PRINT b NW' ,

        'ENDIF' ,


Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?

--Shawn S.

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