Perfect for a sipping stage I thought when I read the initial post, before
seeing the "pure pipes" preference; then I wondered if an equivalent could
be accomplished with pipcmd.
Attempting -
   Address Command
   'PIPE (end ?) cp Q PATHS E1D8-E1DB',
   '|a:Take last',  /* legend line? */
   '?Literal CallPipe (End ??) *.in.1:',
      '||aa:drop 1',
      '||Strtolabel /Device/',
      '||join * /;/',    /* process one group here */
   '|dup *',
produced the expected output then hung, apparently in a loop.  Gate doesn't
seem to be firing.  Placed a Cons stage between the take last and the gate
and sure enough the last (Legend) line doesn't appear.

One could argue that I need to add "strict" to gate, and I did to no avail
as the last record of the cp stage's output still wasn't being passed.
Finally changed the "dup *" to a small number, though still greater than
the expected number of iterations.
   Address Command
   'PIPE (end ?) cp Q PATHS E1D8-E1DB',
   '|a:Take last',  /* legend line? */
   '|b:gate strict',
   '?Literal CallPipe (End ??) *.in.1:',
      '||aa:drop 1',
      '||Strtolabel /Device/',
      '||join * /;/',   /* process one group here */
      '||StrLit ifempty /past eof/',
   '|dup 7',
   Exit Rc
And I now get the desired 4 lines of output (as there are only 4 devices in
the range used), followed by 4 lines of "past eof" and finally the "Legend"

So.... why is the take stage holding the last record, when the cp stage
must be at eof?  A copy stage inserted in the last line "?a:|copy|c:" to
ensure the penultimate line was sucked off also didn't help.

What am I missing?
Mike Harding
z/VM System Support
(925) 672-3922 | (925) 672-4403 (h)
(925) 323-2070 (m)

CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <CMS-PIPELINES@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on
03/23/2017 02:39:47 PM:

> From: Rob van der Heij <>
> Date: 03/23/2017 02:56 PM
> Subject: Re: Pipethink and filtering. CP QUERY PATHS 0-FFFF
> Sent by: CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <CMS-PIPELINES@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> > Juxtapose - if you have a group of records that aren't easy to
> tell they're associated, make it so they are.
> Sure, and lookup :-)
> I don't have a picture of your expected output yet. Some generai ideas:
> You can group the records per device into a chunk with something like
>  'joincont leading / / x15'
> and still be able to reconstruct the lines.
> If you use 'fanout' to have a copy of the original records. Rather than
> identify the good one,s you might be able to identify the bad ones. If
> nothing else you might split the streams by (PIM) etc tags and use a
> 'combine' stage to recognize a mix (e.g. all '-' or '+' stays like that,
> but a mix would result in '>'). If necessary use 'xlate' to pick elegant
> code points for the '+' and '-' signs.
> Something I like is to use 'predselect' to throw out or select records
> when you may have more than one trigger. So you'd have 'predselect'
> pass or reject the "chunked" records based on whether the detailed
> analysis gave a reason to reject.
> If nothing else, you can certainly write yourself a sipping pipeline in
> REXX and process each chunk on its own.
> Sir Rob the Plumber

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