On Sun, 23 Jan 2022 at 23:10, Jack Woehr <jwo...@softwoehr.com> wrote:

> On 1/23/22 2:55 PM, Rob van der Heij wrote:
> >   The
> > motivation of not having to learn something new is less convincing, I
> think.
> Universal axiom, eh, friend?!

What I tried to say is that once we translate something like "sed" to CMS
Pipelines context, it wouldn't make CMS Pipelines easier for someone with
another background. They would be troubled by not being able to join lines
by removing \n characters, finding strings that cross record boundaries,
etc. There are certainly use cases for things with regular expressions in
the context of CMS Pipelines, but I would want it for some new function
rather than as alternative syntax for existing functionality.

I have little trouble learning about uniq, tr, sed, awk, grep and such when
I want to do things on my workstation. I don't mind that "tr" does things
that I do with "xlate" in CMS Pipelines; I struggle with when to use \ or
quotes to escape things, and when they mean something else. It would
probably cause me even more trouble when I made "xlate" an alias for "tr"
or so.

Something that frequently bites me is that I'm used to ">" as a built-in
program rather than redirection. It's not unusual for me to wipe out my
file rather than rewrite it :-)  This is why "very different" is sometimes
better than "somewhat similar"


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