End all your problems today by ordering Zenegra - aka Generlc Vlagra !! It's the Same MEDlClNE, Different PRlCE!
COMPARE: Vlagra - 14.95 ea VS Zenegra - 2.99 ea Why is it so affordable and allows you to save enormously? The original product (e.g. Vlagra) is called a brand name remedy, which solely belongs to the company which invented it, including the original name! Other companies are allowed to make the same remedy under a different name - these remedies are called GENERlCS. Brand name remedies and their generlcs are IDENTICAL in terms of active ingredients. The gener1c pellets may look different (because they are made by a different company) but inside is the same active ingredient, which works in exactly the same way. Both Zenegra and Vlagra contain the same ingredient Sildenafil Citrate which is used to treat male sexua1 function problems (erectile problems) and also: Intensify Sexua1 Drive Boost Sexua1 Performance Cause Fuller & Harder Erectlons Intensify Stamina & Endurance Help with Quicker Recharges We guarantee prompt, safe and discreet shipping ! 0rder it today http://www.rxmedonline.com Thanks, the, had of old. to the but The, had these and victim, of another.