After applying Rays fix for Flexi-Streams, I tried out Drakma-1.0.0 under the January snapshot. It died pretty fast.
CL-USER> (defpackage :drakma-user (:use :cl :drakma)) #<The DRAKMA-USER package, 0/9 internal, 0/2 external> CL-USER> (in-package :drakma-user) #<The DRAKMA-USER package, 0/9 internal, 0/2 external> DRAKMA-USER> (http-request "") NODELAY in SOCKET-CONNECT is unsupported. [Condition of type USOCKET:UNSUPPORTED] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Ignore it and continue 1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) (USOCKET:SOCKET-CONNECT "" 80 :ELEMENT-TYPE FLEXI-STREAMS:OCTET ...) Source: ; File: /usr/local/lib/rmb-19e-JAN-09/lib/cmucl/lib/subsystems/usocket-0.4.1/backend/cmucl.lisp (UNSUPPORTED 'NODELAY 'SOCKET-CONNECT) 0] 0 #<CHUNGA:CHUNKED-IO-STREAM {58A4595D}> is an unsupported Gray stream. [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) (LISP::NO-GRAY-STREAMS #<CHUNGA:CHUNKED-IO-STREAM {58A4595D}>) Source: ; File: target:code/stream.lisp (ERROR 'SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR :DATUM STREAM :EXPECTED-TYPE ...) 0] 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is there a simple fix to the above, or should I switch to SBCL? I need to get webfetch of a passworded family of webpages working quickly. TIA r